Money Dinner Notion Template
Does your bank balance scare you? Do you want to be empowered to take control of your finances? Well then you've found the right template. The Money Dinner Notion Template is going to help you turn your financial life around. Read below to find out how:
How Money Dinners work
At the end of every month you are going to take yourself out to a Money Dinner — this is a dinner where you are going to go over all of your finances for the month and look forward at next months finances as well.
When you’re at dinner, go through this template to help give you some structure.
If you do this, you’ll become somebody who’s on top of their finances and you will no longer be scared to do your finances, it’ll be fun!
Try to do this dinner on the 29th, 30th, or 31st of each month. You will be reviewing the month that is about to end.
Who it’s for
The Money Dinner concept is for people who want to take control of their financial lives but are a little bit intimidated on how to approach it. It’s a simple process that (if done consistently) will help you build tremendous financial confidence and make you well aware of your financial picture and where you need to spend your time.
I hope this template is just as useful to you as it has been to me.
— Flickman
You'll get a link to a Notion template that you can Duplicate and use yourself.